Lo que en una entrevista de trabajo se consideran preguntas para romper el hielo, pueden tener una doble intención. Aunque el objetivo de estas preguntas es el de hacer sentir cómodo al postulante, también es cierto que pueden definir el rumbo de la entrevista. Por eso, para que te sientas confiado a la hora de responder estas preguntas en inglés, hemos preparado una compilación de las preguntas y respuestas más comunes para ayudarte en los primeros minutos de una entrevista laboral.
1. “Did you find the place okay?” (¿Te ha resultado fácil llegar aquí?)
Ten en cuenta que en esta pregunta entra en juego el factor puntualidad. La posibilidad de llegar a tiempo a tu lugar de trabajo todos los días. Posibles respuestas:
- “Yes, and I actually had extra time to catch a cup of coffee across the street. Thanks for the great directions. The route that you advised me to take saved me a lot of time and helped me to avoid some heavy traffic.”
- “I’m one of those people who plans ahead. I actually took a dry-run drive last week to make sure I knew where I was going. I really dislike the idea of being late—especially for an interview.”
- “I took a couple of wrong turns, but I don’t ever let mistakes throw me. I just turned around and went back. Luckily I had allowed extra time, so I was not upset when I got lost. Eventually I figured it out and arrived in plenty of time.”
2. “How was your commute?” (¿Cómo has llegado hasta aquí?)
En lo posible, argumenta la respuesta haciendo hincapié en que eres una persona previsora y sueles salir de casa con el suficiente tiempo para evitar los posibles imprevistos que puedan surgir.
- “You know how traffic can be. I used your directions and also listened to the traffic reports on the radio. I was able to avoid a couple of trouble spots.”
- “Because I left early, it was very relaxing. I always allow extra time when I have appointments. I learned that lesson when I got a flat tire and hadn’t allowed extra time in case of the unexpected. Unfortunately I was late to an important appointment. I’ve never been late since that incident.”
- “I took public transportation in and took the earlier train to allow me time to walk the few blocks to get here. I am an avid walker. I stay in shape by walking whenever I can.”
3.“How is your summer going so far?” (¿Qué tal el verano?) En algunos casos se suele preguntar sobre el fin de semana.
Es una pregunta típica especialmente cuando la entrevista se lleva a cabo un día lunes.
- “Right now my job search is taking up most of my time. I am spending at least six to eight hours a day working on leads and networking. I have been able to get away for a couple of weekends, and that was really relaxing. How about yours?”
- “Summer seems to be flying by. I don’t know where the weeks have gone. I took one week at the beginning of the summer to go to visit relatives in California, but since then I have been really busy at work. How about you? Have you been able to take any time off?”
- “It’s been going great so far. I have been taking time off from my job search one day a week and going somewhere that I typically don’t go during the week. I really find it delightful because it is less crowded. It would be a real luxury to work four days a week; unfortunately I can’t afford that luxury.”
Trata de no memorizar las respuestas. Usa estas preguntas para reflexionar sobre ellas. ¡Te servirán para ganar en soltura y seguridad!